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We Scandinavians are a musical bunch. There is a song for almost any occassion. Below are the lyrics to some traditional songs you will hear throughout the year!

Healan går- a traditional drinking song


Helan går,
sjung hopp falleri faderallan lej,
helan går,
sjung hopp faderallan lej
Och den som inte helan tar
han inte heller halvan får
Helan går


sjung hopp faderallan lej.


This roughly translates as:

The whole one goes down
Sing "hup fol-de-rol la la la la"
The whole one goes down
Sing "hup fol-de-rol la la"
And he who doesn't take the whole
Doesn't get the half one either
The whole one goes down


Sing "hup fol-de-rol la la"

Usually two verses are sung. 

On the 2nd time around, you can sing

"Halvan" (half) instead of "Helan" 

Happy Birthday


Ja, må han leva!
Ja, må han leva!
Ja, må han leva uti hundrade år!
Javisst ska han leva!
Javisst ska han leva!
Javisst ska han leva uti hundrade år!


In English:

Yes, may he live!
Yes, may he live!
Yes, may he live for a hundred years!
Of course he will live!
Of course he will live!
Of course he will live for a hundred years!

The song usually ends with four repetitions of “Hurra!”

Swedish Lullaby


Godnatt små kamrater

Och tack för idag

Nu somnar vi alla så gott

Guds änglar i mörktet de vaktar kring oss

ty därom befallning de fått

God natt

Sov Gott



Goodnight small friends

And thanks for today

Now slumber we all so good

God's angels in the darkness they guard around us

because it 's the command they received

Good night Sleep well

© 2023 by Linnea Lodge 504

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